Golden And Silver Jubilee

On April 15, 2024, the Cherupushpa Ashram in Ettumanoor witnessed a momentous celebration. Its when the members of the Malabar Province OCD gathered to honour the jubilees of their esteemed friars. The event marked both golden and silver jubilees, reflecting decades of devoted service and religious commitment.

The golden jubilee commemorates 50 years of religious life or priestly ordination. This year, three respected friars, Rev. Fr George Kurias OCD, Rev. Fr Thomas Tharappel OCD, and Rev. Fr Thomas Kurian Arackal OCD, celebrated their 50th anniversary of priestly ordination. In a similar spirit, Rev. Fr Zacharias Kariyalakulam OCD marked his golden jubilee of the religious profession. It signified 50 years since he first took his vows.

Alongside the golden jubilee, the silver jubilee, which marks 25 years, was also celebrated. Rev. Fr George Ambalathil OCD, Rev. Fr Martin Kurisinkal OCD, and Rev. Fr Mathew Vadakkedath OCD rejoiced in their 25th anniversary of priestly ordination. This dual celebration underscored the long-standing dedication and spiritual leadership provided by these friars in the community.

The Provincial of the Malabar Province OCD and other members organized this auspicious occasion. It began with a concelebrated High Mass at 10:30 am. The mass was a profound expression of gratitude and fellowship, attended by numerous members of the community and other people. All united in their respect and admiration for the jubilarians.

Following the religious ceremony, the attendees were invited to a communal lunch, fostering a sense of community and celebration. The meal provided an opportunity for personal interaction. It was where their stories were shared and memories cherished, reinforcing the bonds within the community they serve.

Such jubilee celebrations are not only a time for reflection on the years past but also a reaffirmation of the friars’ vows and their ongoing commitment to the community. It is a reminder of the impact that a dedicated life of service can have on individuals and communities alike.

The Cherupushpa Ashram in Ettumanoor, by hosting this significant event, continues to be a beacon of spiritual guidance and communal harmony. As the friars look back on their illustrious past, they also look forward to continuing their journey of faith, service, and community leadership.

The golden and silver jubilees celebrated at the Cherupushpa Ashram are not just milestones. In fact they are testament to the enduring spirit and devotion of the friars of the Malabar Province OCD. Their continued service and commitment resonate deeply within the hearts of all those they touch through their spiritual journey.

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