Br. Anselm was advised to leave and go home as no one was left at home by a well wisher. He replied “I shall never leave the Carmelite OCD even if I have to remain for the whole of my life as a chorist Brother”. He was courageous to take up the cross of Christ and follow Him on the way of the Cross.. During that time he generously served our communities, in Bangalore Carmelaram, Carmel Hill, Trivandrum and finally St. Teresa’s Monastery Ernakulam. His self sacrificing services and total dedication to the duties assigned to him are to be written in golden letters in the annals of the province.
At last his tearful prayers were heard and finally Br. Anselm of St. Andrew Corsini OCD was ordained a priest on 30th April 1975 at Vaikom by Mar Sebastian Mankuzhikary, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Ernakulam. He was first declared a capitular in St. Teresa’s monastery, Ernakulam. As procurator of the house, he looked after the temporal affairs of the House without neglecting his priestly ministry in our Church and neighboring Convents irrespective of Rite and thus he brought consolation to many souls. He was a well known Charismatic preacher. From the time of his sacerdotal ordination he helped a lot of people to come up in life and today they are grateful to him.
He was Superior of St. Teresa’s Monastery Ernakulam, Avila Dhyanashram, Sengulam, and Manager of our Buildings in Ernakulam. While he was Superior at Ernakulam he managed to receive funds for renovating beautifully the main Altar and the entire Church which even today remains the spiritual power house of the city and surrounding places. While he was at Kalady, he requested his superior to take him to the nearby Little Flower Hospital as he was indisposed. While in the hospital he seemed to improve although his heart was very weak. And on 3rd December, 2009 at 7.30 he took his final supper, his brother Fr. Joy, seated near him. Even at 8.30 p.m he had telephoned to Fr. Joy. He went to bed and the attender also went to bed in the same room. Alas! When the attender got up in the morning at 5 a.m. he found Father Anselm dead “Really he slept in the Lord”
His body was taken to Carmel Ashram Kalady in the morning and was laid in state for people from all walks of life could see and pray for him. On the following day 5th December, 2009 after a solemn concelebrated Requiem Mass, his body was taken in procession in a decorated van to Lisieux Centre Vazhappally, Muvattupuzha and was laid in state before the main Altar of the Church. Most Ret Mar Julius, the Malankara Bishop of Muvattupuzha, Mgr Francis Alappat, the Chief Vicar General of the Diocese of Kothamangalam in the absence of the Bishop sang absolutions over him and conveyed their heart – felt condolence to our Fr. Provincial. The funeral services began sharp at 11 a.m. as announced before. Our Fr. Provincial, Very Rev. Fr. Sebastian Koodappattu OCD presided over the concelebrated Mass by more than fifty priests. In his introduction to the Mass Fr. Provincial extolled the yeomen services Fr. Anselm rendered to the province and conveyed his sincere condolence to the bereaved family members.
Very Rev. Fr. Justin Avanooparampil OCD, Rector , Carmelaram Theology College, gave the funeral oration. From his association with Fr. Anselm he brought out the following points:
1. His spirit of prayer. He always had the rosary in his hands and he used to enter our Church to pray before the Tabernacle before going out and after coming back. Thus he kept himself close to our Lord’s living presence.
2. He was available for any service in our Churches and outside whenever his Superior asked for it.
3. Carmelaram theology College awes to him a debt of gratitude for his services there.
After the Mass, Mar Sebastian Edayantharath, Auxiliary Bishop of Ernakulam – Angamaly and a native of Vaikom officiated at the funeral service. When the coffin was taken to bid farewell to the main Alter the choir sang “ Vidavagunnen Devalayame” his close relative burst out unable to control their sorrow. It was taken in procession to the cemetery and after the final prayers he was burried in the crypt. There our dear Father rests in peace expecting the Blessed hope and advent of the Lord as we sing on the last Sunday of Advent.
Many priests, sisters belonging to various congregations and a good number of lay people had come to take part in the funeral. They laid bouquets and wreaths as a sign of their respect and love for the deceased. “Lord May he sleep in peace and wake in Your glory”. With Cardinal Newman we sing: “Farewell but not forever, brother dear! Be brave and patient on the bed of sorrow! Swiftly shall pass thy night of trial here! And I shall come and wake Thee on the morrow” (Dream of Gernontius).