The Provincial Curia in the Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCD) refers to the administrative body of a particular province within the order, handling governance and coordination tasks.
Provincial Superior
Rev. Fr. Pathrose Chakiath OCD
Mount Carmel Provincial House, Cotton Hill - 695014, Thiruvananthapuram
E-mail Id.: (Off.) | (Per.)
Contact: +91 9447066776 (Off.)| +91 9495424145 (Per.)
The OCD Malabar Province following their footsteps and being creatively faithful to the Ideal and Charism bequeathed by them wants to empower the Church through their life of contemplative prayer, and work for the expansion of the Church through their apostolic and missionary activities.
The inspiring examples of their own predecessors like St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Elizabeth of Trinity and St. Edith Stein compel them to be powerful witnesses of Christ in the post-modern world. This is the vision the Province dreams and cherishes.
Rev. Fr. James Niravath OCD
I Councillor In-charge of SpiritualityLisieux Centre, Mudavoor PO, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam,
Kerala - 686669
E-mail Id.:
Contact: +91 9061484291
Rev. Fr. Francis Chittuparambil OCD
II Councillor In-charge of FormationMount Carmel Provincial House, Cotton Hill - 695014, Thiruvananthapuram
E-mail Id.:
Contact: +91 9008415022
Rev. Fr. Mathew Manthottathil OCD
III Councillor In-charge of FinanceMount Carmel Provincial House, Cotton Hill - 695014, Thiruvananthapuram
Contact: +918593987424
Rev. Fr. Joseph Chakkaladudiyil OCD
IV Councillor In-charge of Mission & ApostolateCarmel Hill Monastery, Cotton Hill - 695014, Thiruvananthapuram
E-mail Id.:
Contact: +91 7907566496