The Province carries on the good works initiated by the zealous Carmelite Missionaries. Faithful to the charism of the Order, the members of the Province spend their time and resources to promote spiritual life among clergy, religious and laity. The province has established retreat houses and spirituality centers attached to its Monasteries at Bangalore, Trivandrum Ernakulam, Sengulam, Peravoor, Muvattupuzha and Muradnagar. Among these centers the Institute of Spirituality (Adhyatma Vidya Peetham) at Carmelaram, Bangalore, started in 1976 and affiliated to ‘Teresianum’, Rome, offers a residential one year Diploma Course on Christian spirituality and Lisieux Centre, Muvattu-puzha, offers a residential six months’ intensive Diploma Course on Consecrated Life and three months’ course for the immediate Preparation for Final Profession.

Our Province is doing significant services in the field of Press Apostolate through its institutions such as St.Joseph’s Press, Carmel Publishing Centre, Carmel Book Stalls and Carmel Communications. The “Carmel” monthly (Malayalam) started under the editorship of our Fathers in 1947 is one of the ancient periodicals of a spiritual character in Malayalam. The Province organizes activities and social Apostolate under the auspices of the Rehabilitation Aid Society, which was established as the social organ of the Province and registered under Societies’ Registration Act in 1976.